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Integrative Massage and Body Therapy:
Attuning the body, mind, and spirit through touch and energy

3970 N. Oakland, Suite 502 • Shorewood, WI 53211
(414) 278-0440 •

mark robers massage therapist

Experience the sense of:

• Deep Relief
• Profound Relaxation
• In-Body Awareness
• Pain Reduction
• Increased Movement
• Interactive Therapy
• Indivualized Treatment
• Unraveling Post-Trauma
• Listening to one's Body
• Precise Touch
• Subtle Energy
• Bridging the Body & Mind

I have been practicing the art of Massage/Body Therapy since 1989. My approach to the field of Body Therapy is holistic. I work with the belief that we as humans have many different aspects to us and many different systems of holding patterns. Pain frequently is not just a point, muscle or the "symptom." Rather it is held in a web of layers of patterns. I work with the concepts of systems: the interaction of form and function, the pull of gravity, torque, tensions, stresses, and the synchronization of muscle patterns . Finding the root cause is the dance to change.

I successfully practice with the beliefs that we are multidimensional, that we all can change and grow, and that we learn from our bodies. Life is simply complicated and miraculous.


Certified and Licensed Massage Therapist